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Importance of Candle color in spells

Sarah Mills

Candles Colors in spells

Spellcasters and others have been lighting candles for spiritual purposes for many years. Even if you are a beginner spell caster, candles are a simple form of magic that can yield some pretty powerful results. Candle color is important for a number of reasons. One is symbolic. The brain has an unconscious response to certain colors. Choosing a candle is an important task and you need to keep various aspects in mind. You can choose different colors of candles based on their meaning, purpose, expectations, and intentions.

Candles are primarily used to set intentions or to generate the energy of one's own accord. The use of Candles in spell and color magic are two simple and powerful forms of magic that are used through witchcraft spell caster. Each color has a different energy and massage. In spelling, the energy of colors is used to create a specific reaction in magicians. It also attracts some energy through the principle of compassionate magic. It is important to keep in mind that these can be one of the most effective tools used for witchcraft spells, love, meditations, ceremonies, and other rituals.

When casting a candle spell, it supports choosing the correct color of the candle. Some of the common meanings of candle color are that you can choose the one that suits your intentions

White candle:

Light a white candle to connect the moon (lunar) and the divine energy. White contains all colors, you can use a white candle when another color is not available. It represents purity and innocence, spiritual power, spiritual light, peace protection, cleanliness, truth, healing, clarity, purity, unity, purity, peace. It also heals emotions, counteracts negativity, and provides protection. Spellcasters usually use white candles for healing, new beginnings, and spiritual growth rituals. It also praises the lunar and divine works. Church candles are commonly used as white candles, thus white is associated with prayer, devotion, and remembrance.

Black candle:

For high-performance spells, red candles are a great implement. Black is an absorbing and strong color. Black absorbs all colors and is frequently used to absorb or eliminate negative energy. It negates curses and hacks. It is used to protect, eliminate the black magic and get rid of bad habits. It boosts inner strength, flexibility, and self-control, and can be used in meditation to deepen the myriad. It also burns for powerful healing and helps through loss and grief, representing the Crown aspect of the Triple Goddess.

Red candle:

The purpose of red candles is to reflect the element of fire and they are related to energy, personal life, and strength. Red is the popular color of love, sex, strength, and life. Red candles are often used in combination with black - light a candle first to remove the negative energy, then bring the red candle to renewed energy. Therefore, they are called "double-action" or "reversible" candles that combine black and red in one candle.

The same is true with the red group. Magenta is used to enable rapid changes and to achieve faster outcomes in spelling work. Spellcasters use magenta candles to burn these candles along with other candles to increase their energy and purpose. They are also used for aggression and spiritual healing.

Green candle:

The color green is known as the sign of money magic and the zodiac. It symbolizes the goddess and green earth. It is also a color that is often associated with financial achievement and money. The green candle is used for marriage, abundance, luck and happiness, balance, generosity, fertility of the earth, physical and emotional healing, rehabilitation, and renewal.

These also help in agriculture so that the whole crop yield can be fortified. In addition, spell caster use it to represent or represent the element of the earth. Green is also the best choice for fortune-telling spells.

Purple candle:

Purple color called the color of mystery and magic is a very spiritual color and is related to psychic capacities, ancient wisdom, and spiritual awakening. It reduces stress, insomnia, and vomiting. Purple means expansion, it stands for idealism, financial stability, Imagination, and Success. This is the color of the third eye circle where your psychic visualization and inner eye reside, so purple is used to open the third eye and increase awareness.

Spellcaster also uses purple candles for spiritual protection, healing, honor, dignity, wisdom, purity, sensitivity, spiritual growth, and separation of the ego, reducing stress or insomnia. Historically, it is associated with desires, ambitions, powers, and strengths.

Brown candle

Brown is a strong foundation, grounding color, the color of the earth. Brown can help spell land spells, animal spells, home spells, agriculture, travel, development, fundraising, and spells of balance, grounding, stability, and nurture. It attracts money and Brown candles help in recovery from the financial crisis. A brown candle helps to think clearly and make decisions. It promotes attention, conscience, material gain, wealth, intellect, and stability. It also encourages conscience and telepathic skills. Some sorcerers use nasal spells to convey the magic and to connect animal spheres.

Orange candle:

Orange's dynamism reflects fear and creativity. Orange candles are perfect for career work, or any other period you want to emphasize your strengths and individuality. Orange gives energy and promotes enthusiasm, happiness and success. Many witchcraft spell casters use it to build luck, happiness, strength, success, warmth, desire, action, energy, and courage. The orange candle helps in legal matters, helps in achieving the goal, clears the negative attitudes, and creates happiness and excitement. Orange candles are also used to attract lovers, friends and encourage emotional healing.

Yellow candle:

Yellow is related to the elements of the air and the power of the brain. The sorceress usually lights a yellow candle at the School of the Arts for a successor to build relationships. Yellow also enhances attention and focus, candles are the perfect choice for business spells, particularly when you want fresh thoughts, ideas, or inspiration.

These Yellow candles make your attention, knowledge, imagination, learning, imagination, and memory. Increases your strength, self-confidence, happiness, and hope. It increases learning skills as well as writing and speaking.

Silver / green candles:

Silver is also known as the sign of the moon, Psychological acceptance, dreaming, love, peace, and healing. A silver / green candle is mostly used to symbolize the goddess. Silver candles are used to get astronomical energy, women's energy, and help strengthen your vision, telepathy, and clear vision. They can be the result of more powerful dreams.

Silver is halfway between black and white. Silver is the color of balance and neutrality. A silver / gray candle can be used in a protective spell when you want to neutralize the negative energy that can be carried towards you. It is also used to gain understanding and wisdom.

Blue candle:

Blue candles are great for promoting spirituality, thought, recovery, contentment, generosity, inner peace, honesty, loyalty and fidelity, wisdom, truth, and light as well as your first relationship with your higher self. Blue candles turn anger and hatred into contentment and understanding.

Pink candle:

Light a pink candle for the witch spell of unconditional love, romance, friendship, love, warmth, happiness, and self-love. You can also use pink candles to increase overall happiness, empathy, compassion, relationships, peace, forgiveness, intimacy, and strengthen new relationships.

Gold candle:

Golden candles are one of the colors of candles that attract the energy of men or the energy of God. It is better if you need help - success, happiness, Wisdom, wealth, light, confidence, prosperity, personal and strength.

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